Take care of your tatas

We are quickly approaching the end of October but Breast Cancer Awareness doesn’t end there. Turing 40 this year ushered in my first mammogram screening. Although I love doing new things this is one that I wasn’t looking forward to but health is wealth. No way I can live to be 110 years old without practicing the very same self care I preach to others. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and I sat by her side through the diagnosis and chemo treatments. Thank goodness she was an advocate for her health otherwise it may have gone undetected. This has been the push to not only get screened but remind others as well. When my physician recommend my mammogram my whole live literally flashed before my eyes and I wondered how 40 years had flown LOL. I’m not going to lie I immediately became anxiousness from the unknown results. Driving to my appointment I looked over at my unused lotion and deodorant. I was told such items would interfere with the x-ray. My s...