What are you fasting for Lent?

When is it?
This year February 22 marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten season. It is most often a time when believers fast until Easter. Per Google, Easter will be April 4th this year. Fasting usually lasts for a total of 6 and a half weeks.

Why should you fast?
It's more than just having an ash cross on your forehead. It's a time to reconnect to the Highest with your obedience by way of fasting and praying. "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return."

What can you fast?
This is totally up to you. Some people might give up coffee, tv, social media, meat, sweets or dairy. I usually give up more than one thing. Over achiever much? Lol! Just remember it is not a competition nor is it about dieting.


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