Viral TikTok Filter Stirs Up Mixed Reactions!!

What's the fuss? The first Tiktok filter is called, Teenage, which shows a split screen of a “younger” version of you and what you currently look like today. Apparently it has been a trigger for some app users especially for those who had difficult teenage years. Initially I thought the reactions were because they were distraught about how they've aged. Then I stumbled across a reaction of a crying lady who saw the troubled teenage version of herself. The other TikTok filter is called, Bold Glamour. This filter includes a full coverage makeup that includes lashes, highlights, deep contouring and for some people it chisels your jawline. The complaint is how the masculine jaw alteration makes them feel self conscious about the results. I’m sure there will be more social media filters to enjoy and scrutinize. I can attest they definitely keep things interesting! One could only hope that those who were struggling with the past see this as a gateway to professional counseling. -N...